Friday, July 20, 2012

The City By The Bay....

San Francisco.....We finally made it to the Pacific Ocean !  First of all, it is cold here....It's the middle of July and in the 60s during the day....But overall it sounds like everyone loved this city.  That's judged by the number of souvenirs we bought. We hit all the major tourist attractions - Lombard Street, the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, Fisherman's WharfTrolley Cars (well, we didn't actually ride them - but got some photos) and even got to Ride the Ducks, the half bus, half boat thing....I wasn't so sure it was going to float when we got in the water, but we made it into San Francisco Bay and waddled our way to McCovey Cove by AT & T Park. I think we could spend more time here but it's off to Southern California tomorrow and Disneyland.......but not before we drive by the Full House house at 1709 Broderick St.

                                                      Driving down Lombard Street

Fran jumping higher than the Golden Gate Bridge !!

                                                        Jillian holding the bridge up...............

                                                               Brendan getting some air......

                                                                   The Rock

                                            Sometimes Fran would rather be here than on this trip !

Seals hanging out on the dock at Pier 39 at Fisherman's Wharf

Quack, Quack.....Ride the Ducks

                                                                       Kayla driving the Duck

McCovey Cove.....saw some of Bonds old HR balls floating in there....

                                                         Zoltar............I wish I was BIG......


  1. So jealous you saw Full House! Loved Fran in Alcatraz, she needs a vacation from the vacation! Did Brendan wake up as a freakishly large adult? Have they ever even seen the movie Big?! Miss you guys!!

  2. You guys have no idea how much I am enjoying your trip ... : ) .. I remember it all !!! .. I am re-living it .. cause now I would appreciate it !!! You guys look like you are having a blast !!!

  3. Was dave couliier standing by the house to full house doing his trademark cut it out phrase?
