Wednesday, July 18, 2012

El Capitan

No, we're not talking Derek Jeter.....the giant monolith dominating Yosmite Valley. (Actually twice the height of the Empire State Building) We're staying in Yosemite Valley in the shadows of both El Capitan and Half Dome, but the park itself has been a little bit of a disappointment. The sites are awesome but there's just too many people and many of them disrespecting a National Park. Garbage all over the trails and cars backed up everywhere - we've been to so many national parks the last few years and this one just doesn't measure up because of this. We hiked to Yosemite Falls and climbed on the rocks last night and got up early today and hiked the Mist Trail to the Vernal Falls Bridge  (before the crowds) and Brendan and I made it all the way to the top of the falls - definitely one of the toughest hikes we've ever done. Saw an owl on the way back down (Other than that - very little wildlife here in Yosemite) Next we hiked to Bridaveil Falls and drove down to Mariposa Grove and hiked through the Giant Sequoias. Kayla earned another Junior Ranger Patch (and a badge) also (that makes 4 National Parks now). Tomorrow we will reach the Pacific Ocean !!!!      And keep the comments coming.......

                                                             The Tree Hugger

Rudolph ??

Climbing the Mist Trail to the top of Vernal Falls

Finally at the top of the Falls....

The Junior Ranger

The Grizzy Giant (over 2400 yrs. old)

The Tunnel Tree (carved in 1895 to promote the park)

Here's a jumping picture from the best view of Yosemite Valley....(Tunnel View)

El Capitan is on the left and Half Dome is on Jillian's hip


1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're having a great time! Make sure the kids don't jump backwards. That wall looked a little low!
    Pat xoxo
