Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Gateway to the West

Well, in our case The Gateway to the East, as we head home - St. Louis, Missouri !  It's hot here - but it's another small, clean city. First night here Brendan and I walked to Busch Stadium for the Cardinals-Brewers game (The girls had enough of baseball games). Nice stadium, but they are getting to look all the same as well. However, as advertised, the Cardinal fans are one of the strongest groups we've encountered - packed house, but it was a Friday night, and they did just win the World Series.  Got our Bruce Sutter bobbleheads and Brendan got his first BP baseball of the trip. Woke up early Saturday morning and took a trip to the top of the Gateway Arch - the symbol of St. Louis. A cool little pod-like tram takes you up to the top for a view of the city in one direction and the other of the "Mighy Mississippi" River as Clark Griswald called it. After lunch we rested up in the hotel and then went out to a place called the City Museum. It's not really a museum, more like a playground made out of old junk, but definitely interesting. All sorts of slides, swings, tunnels, and caves and an old Ferris Wheel on the roof. Overall we enjoyed St. Louis.

                                                         Brendan at Busch Stadium

                                                With the baseball and the Bruce Sutter Bobblehead !

Fran and Kayla in the tram pod going up to the top of the Arch

At the top......630 feet

View of the can see the Dome where the Rams plays on the right

I can take him out......



  1. No budweiser brewery tour?

  2. And the tour is free !! But didn't think it was family friendly....
